Event Information

Event on 2019-08-29 16:22, Konstanz D, Magnitude 3.4
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Local time 2019-08-29 16:22:49
UTC Time 2019-08-29 14:22:49
Event Type earthquake
Latitude / Longitude 47.74 / 9.11
Swiss Coordinates 725348 / 289491
Magnitude 3.4
Magnitude Type MLh
Location Konstanz D
Depth [km] 3.1
Location Type manual
Agency SED
Last Update 04-09-2019 22:24:06
Danger level 1 (as defined by federal agencies with responsibility for natural hazards)
Origin ID & Metadata smi:ch.ethz.sed/sc3a/origin/NLL.20190904222402.971279.100909

Observed macroseismic intensities

Zip Code
Epicentral Distance
# of Reports
8272 Ermatingen CH 8 km felt 3
8268 Salenstein CH 9 km felt 1
8274 Tägerwilen CH 9 km felt 2
8268 Mannenbach-Salenstein CH 9 km felt 1
8280 Kreuzlingen CH 11 km III 5
8574 Lengwil-Oberhofen CH 14 km felt 1
8508 Homburg CH 14 km felt 1
8260 Stein am Rhein CH 21 km felt 1
8006 Zürich CH 58 km felt 1
6330 Cham CH 79 km felt 1
5644 Auw CH 82 km felt 1
6343 Rotkreuz CH 85 km felt 3
6344 Meierskappel CH 85 km felt 1
6038 Gisikon CH 87 km felt 1
5046 Walde CH 93 km felt 1
6030 Ebikon CH 94 km felt 1
4438 Langenbruck CH 111 km felt 1
4056 Basel CH 118 km felt 1

*An intensity value according to the European Macroseismic Scale (EMS-98) is only given from six reports onwards per postal code .

Waveform Image:
waveform image, if available
Traveltime plot:
travel time plot. click to enlarge in separate window.
GSE 2.1 provisional format
MSG_ID 2019/08/29_033210803 CHE_NDC
Reviewed Event Bulletin (REB) of the CHE_NDC for August 29, 2019, 02:22:49.486
EVENT 2019/08/29_022249486 KONSTANZ D
Date Time Err RMS Latitude Longitude Smaj Smin Az Depth Err Ndef Nsta Gap mdist Mdist Qual Author OrigID
2019/08/29 14:22:49.49 0.15 47.7444 9.1163 1631.5 521.1 45 3.7 0.9 47 35 50 0.01 0.53 m i ke SED --------

Magnitude Err Nsta Author OrigID
MLh 3.5 0.3 135 SED --------

Sta Dist EvAz Phase Time TRes Azim AzRes Slow SRes Def SNR Amp Per Qual Magnitude ArrID
WALHA 0.01 28.6 Pg 14:22:50.235 -0.2 ___ 838840.1 m__ MLh 4.9 --------
WALHA 0.01 28.6 Sg 14:22:50.969 -0.1 ___ m__ --------
SKRK 0.11 155.7 Pg 14:22:51.940 0.0 ___ 40616.2 m__ MLh 3.7 --------
STEIN 0.18 245.8 Pg 14:22:53.534 0.1 ___ 23928.1 mc_ MLh 3.6 --------
WEIN 0.23 202.1 Pg 14:22:54.424 0.0 ___ 28793.5 mc_ MLh 3.8 --------
ROMAN 0.23 140.5 Pg 14:22:54.499 0.1 ___ 7120.4 mc_ MLh 3.2 --------
EMING 0.24 309.8 Pg 14:22:54.483 0.1 ___ 18009.3 mc_ MLh 3.6 --------
EMING 0.24 309.8 Sg 14:22:58.182 0.3 ___ m__ --------
NNFW 0.26 239.4 Pg 14:22:55.021 0.1 ___ 12795.6 m__ MLh 3.5 --------
NNFW 0.26 239.4 Sg 14:22:59.133 0.4 ___ m__ --------
NNFS 0.27 255.2 Pg 14:22:55.135 0.0 ___ 7077.4 m__ MLh 3.3 --------
SGT18 0.29 162.6 Pg 14:22:55.585 0.0 ___ 4643.2 m__ MLh 3.1 --------
NDTR1 0.29 247.7 Pg 14:22:55.635 0.0 ___ 10816.2 mc_ MLh 3.5 --------
NDTR1 0.29 247.7 Sg 14:23:00.100 0.1 ___ m__ --------
A103D 0.30 79.0 Pg 14:22:55.800 0.2 ___ 8218.2 mc_ MLh 3.4 --------
TRULL 0.31 251.9 Pg 14:22:55.846 0.0 ___ 9311.9 mc_ MLh 3.5 --------
TRULL 0.31 251.9 Sg 14:23:00.336 0.0 ___ m__ --------
NNFT 0.31 275.1 Pg 14:22:55.899 0.0 ___ 7759.0 mc_ MLh 3.4 --------
NNFT 0.31 275.1 Sg 14:23:00.472 0.1 ___ m__ --------
SARE 0.31 137.2 Pg 14:22:56.179 0.2 ___ 16851.5 mc_ MLh 3.7 --------
SCHS 0.32 264.2 Pg 14:22:56.101 0.0 ___ 6749.7 mc_ MLh 3.4 --------
GUT 0.33 359.8 Pg 14:22:56.170 0.0 ___ 12299.9 md_ MLh 3.6 --------
GUT 0.33 359.8 Sg 14:23:01.094 0.2 ___ m__ --------
TETT 0.35 104.2 Pg 14:22:56.758 0.2 ___ 9364.9 mc_ MLh 3.5 --------
WILA 0.36 203.1 Pg 14:22:56.875 -0.1 ___ 11753.7 mc_ MLh 3.7 --------
SGT05 0.38 142.7 Pg 14:22:57.420 0.0 ___ 5799.5 m__ MLh 3.4 --------
STIEG 0.40 231.7 Pg 14:22:57.510 -0.1 ___ 4305.8 mc_ MLh 3.3 --------
A102A 0.40 7.9 Pg 14:22:57.630 0.0 ___ 11356.9 md_ MLh 3.7 --------
FLACH 0.41 245.0 Pg 14:22:57.802 0.0 ___ 6900.5 mc_ MLh 3.5 --------
SLE 0.42 273.0 Pg 14:22:57.824 0.0 ___ 6660.1 mc_ MLh 3.5 --------
SLE 0.42 273.0 Sg 14:23:03.601 -0.2 ___ m__ --------
QEG02 0.42 253.1 Pg 14:22:57.949 -0.1 ___ 12342.5 mc_ MLh 3.8 --------
QEG00 0.42 247.3 Pg 14:22:58.088 0.0 ___ 18369.2 mc_ MLh 4.0 --------
QEG00 0.42 247.3 Sg 14:23:04.261 0.0 ___ m__ --------
SGT04 0.43 158.2 Pg 14:22:58.375 -0.1 ___ 1892.8 md_ MLh 3.0 --------
NDBU 0.45 244.1 Pg 14:22:58.686 0.0 ___ 12052.3 m__ MLh 3.9 --------
NDBU 0.45 244.1 Sg 14:23:05.359 0.1 ___ m__ --------
SAPK 0.46 154.7 Pg 14:22:58.917 -0.1 ___ 3493.1 m__ MLh 3.3 --------
SKLW 0.47 232.8 Pg 14:22:58.743 -0.2 ___ 8711.2 m__ MLh 3.7 --------
QEG01 0.48 246.7 Pg 14:22:59.101 0.0 ___ 5532.2 m__ MLh 3.6 --------
ROTE 0.51 323.9 Pg 14:22:59.472 -0.2 ___ 7706.2 md_ MLh 3.8 --------
ROTE 0.51 323.9 Sg 14:23:06.497 -0.4 ___ m__ --------
LIENZ 0.52 150.4 Pg 14:23:00.119 -0.2 ___ 1396.6 md_ MLh 3.1 --------
ZUR 0.52 224.0 Pg 14:22:59.899 -0.2 ___ 4674.1 mc_ MLh 3.6 --------
ZUR 0.52 224.0 Sg 14:23:07.495 -0.1 ___ m__ --------
A104C 0.53 43.2 Pg 14:22:59.999 ___ 4835.6 mc_ MLh 3.6 --------
A101B 0.53 314.6 Pg 14:23:00.000 -0.2 ___ 4694.9 m__ MLh 3.6 --------
BOBI 0.56 249.3 Pg 14:23:00.617 -0.1 ___ 1375.2 mc_ MLh 3.1 --------
METMA 0.58 266.8 Pg 14:23:00.723 -0.3 ___ 2002.7 mc_ MLh 3.3 --------
EWZT2 0.59 226.0 Pg 14:23:01.089 -0.3 ___ 9123.2 m__ MLh 3.9 --------
EWZT2 0.59 226.0 Sg 14:23:09.668 -0.2 ___ m__ --------
ACB 0.60 254.9 Pg 14:23:01.241 -0.3 ___ 6572.9 m__ MLh 3.8 --------
SBUB 0.64 160.1 Pg 14:23:02.276 -0.1 ___ m__ --------
BERGE 0.64 281.4 Pg 14:23:02.030 -0.2 ___ 3796.8 mc_ MLh 3.6 --------
WGT 0.66 191.3 Pg 14:23:02.580 -0.6 ___ 1898.9 mc_ MLh 3.3 --------
SULZ 0.71 252.3 Pg 14:23:03.318 -0.4 ___ 3818.0 m__ MLh 3.6 --------
PLONS 0.72 165.4 Pg 14:23:03.583 -0.2 ___ 1026.8 m__ MLh 3.0 --------
WIMIS ___ 687.6 __ MLh 3.2 --------
OTER2 ___ 2592.9 __ MLh 3.6 --------
TUE ___ 2039.1 __ MLh 3.6 --------
OGSI ___ 275.6 __ MLh 3.1 --------
FETA ___ 348.7 __ MLh 2.8 --------
BOUC ___ 736.1 __ MLh 3.4 --------
KIZ ___ 6033.7 __ MLh 3.9 --------
MH48 ___ 2578.9 __ MLh 4.0 --------
SATI ___ 456.7 __ MLh 3.2 --------
ILL12 ___ 3105.4 __ MLh 4.0 --------
ILL14 ___ 4408.4 __ MLh 4.1 --------
MRGE ___ 431.1 __ MLh 3.4 --------
SAUR ___ 11769.5 __ MLh 4.2 --------
STRW ___ 4796.6 __ MLh 3.7 --------
BRIZ2 ___ 4880.3 __ MLh 3.9 --------
VOGT ___ 10544.7 __ MLh 4.2 --------
FUORN ___ 601.7 __ MLh 3.1 --------
RETA ___ 615.4 __ MLh 3.0 --------
SWAS ___ 6561.6 __ MLh 3.8 --------
SWYZ ___ 8808.9 __ MLh 4.0 --------
GRIMS ___ 541.6 __ MLh 3.0 --------
SCUG ___ 2227.4 __ MLh 3.5 --------
RAW2 ___ 1816.3 __ MLh 3.8 --------
ILL11 ___ 1960.7 __ MLh 3.8 --------
SALTS ___ 4040.0 __ MLh 3.7 --------
A060B ___ 4192.0 __ MLh 3.8 --------
BRMO ___ 216.6 __ MLh 2.7 --------
SVAM ___ 2829.5 __ MLh 3.6 --------
LAUCH ___ 1455.6 __ MLh 3.6 --------
NIE01 ___ 542.2 __ MLh 3.2 --------
FULLY ___ 246.6 __ MLh 3.0 --------
DIX ___ 457.2 __ MLh 3.2 --------
SENGL ___ 3512.1 __ MLh 3.7 --------
LUSI ___ 403.6 __ MLh 3.2 --------
NALPS ___ 892.1 __ MLh 3.2 --------
A121B ___ 4661.1 __ MLh 3.8 --------
LAVEY ___ 214.6 __ MLh 2.9 --------
SAARA ___ 1209.1 __ MLh 3.1 --------
SIMPL ___ 1025.8 __ MLh 3.4 --------
DAGMA ___ 3163.4 __ MLh 3.6 --------
BTAO ___ 1855.1 __ MLh 3.5 --------
BOURR ___ 1933.7 __ MLh 3.6 --------
BNALP ___ 1598.2 __ MLh 3.3 --------
GSF03 ___ 2479.7 __ MLh 3.6 --------
DAVOX ___ 1167.4 __ MLh 3.2 --------
A105A ___ 3626.7 __ MLh 3.6 --------
SWIK ___ 13485.9 __ MLh 3.6 --------
JAUN ___ 587.9 __ MLh 3.2 --------
A290A ___ 1492.0 __ MLh 3.6 --------
NVL1 ___ 1336.5 __ MLh 3.7 --------
AIGLE ___ 525.3 __ MLh 3.3 --------
SBEG ___ 12303.0 __ MLh 4.2 --------
PREO4 ___ 2159.5 __ MLh 3.7 --------
ILL13 ___ 1501.4 __ MLh 3.6 --------
MTIA4 ___ 2134.4 __ MLh 3.6 --------
MFERR ___ 606.9 __ MLh 3.5 --------
SLTM2 ___ 3307.4 __ MLh 3.6 --------
PREO2 ___ 2008.5 __ MLh 3.7 --------
MUO ___ 4847.0 __ MLh 3.8 --------
ENDD ___ 9644.2 __ MLh 4.1 --------
ILL17 ___ 1072.5 __ MLh 3.5 --------
SENIN ___ 515.2 __ MLh 3.2 --------
TRAV ___ 700.4 __ MLh 3.6 --------
SLCF ___ 3019.1 __ MLh 3.9 --------
MTI03 ___ 5546.5 __ MLh 4.0 --------
CHMF ___ 1691.8 __ MLh 3.7 --------
SBAV ___ 14525.7 __ MLh 4.3 --------
RAW4 ___ 690.5 __ MLh 3.4 --------
SARK ___ 7871.3 __ MLh 4.1 --------
EMBD ___ 627.1 __ MLh 3.3 --------
CHBM ___ 8312.6 __ MLh 4.1 --------
DAVA ___ 2738.5 __ MLh 3.4 --------
BFO ___ 6263.2 __ MLh 3.8 --------
WTTA ___ 569.0 __ MLh 3.2 --------
SEFS ___ 7149.9 __ MLh 4.0 --------
TORNY ___ 1114.6 __ MLh 3.5 --------
OBER ___ 2970.6 __ MLh 3.6 --------
SBUA2 ___ 1511.5 __ MLh 3.2 --------
MTIA3 ___ 3952.6 __ MLh 3.9 --------
SALAN ___ 315.7 __ MLh 3.1 --------
SDES ___ 3118.9 __ MLh 3.7 --------
BALST ___ 3544.7 __ MLh 3.7 --------
PANIX ___ 1043.9 __ MLh 3.1 --------
HAMIK ___ 4006.1 __ MLh 3.6 --------
EMMET ___ 7838.8 __ MLh 4.0 --------
VANNI ___ 818.6 __ MLh 3.4 --------
MTIA2 ___ 981.0 __ MLh 3.3 --------
SBAP ___ 9876.4 __ MLh 4.2 --------
ILL16 ___ 1428.5 __ MLh 3.6 --------
STAF ___ 1292.2 __ MLh 3.5 --------
SAIRA ___ 2083.0 __ MLh 3.6 --------
MABI ___ 101.3 __ MLh 2.5 --------
LEO01 ___ 1950.2 __ MLh 3.8 --------
RAW1 ___ 485.3 __ MLh 3.1 --------
RONF ___ 910.8 __ MLh 3.4 --------
MH52 ___ 388.9 __ MLh 3.2 --------
ROSI ___ 1112.7 __ MLh 3.5 --------
SKAF ___ 4119.2 __ MLh 3.7 --------
VFERR ___ 1203.0 __ MLh 3.8 --------
ILLF ___ 3195.1 __ MLh 3.8 --------
GMS01 ___ 2684.3 __ MLh 3.7 --------
ECH ___ 757.2 __ MLh 3.2 --------
SBIS2 ___ 8025.0 __ MLh 4.1 --------
RAW3 ___ 1415.7 __ MLh 3.7 --------
MDI ___ 323.7 __ MLh 3.1 --------
SFEL ___ 7432.7 __ MLh 3.9 --------
A291A ___ 705.4 __ MLh 3.5 --------
FUSIO ___ 1468.7 __ MLh 3.4 --------
LLS ___ 1847.4 __ MLh 3.4 --------
VDL ___ 365.3 __ MLh 2.8 --------
OTTER ___ 14552.5 __ MLh 4.3 --------
SBUS ___ 9373.8 __ MLh 4.1 --------
SLUB ___ 10727.2 __ MLh 4.1 --------
HASLI ___ 1574.1 __ MLh 3.4 --------
RIVEL ___ 788.5 __ MLh 3.6 --------
CGRP ___ 442.4 __ MLh 3.5 --------
MTI02 ___ 1740.6 __ MLh 3.5 --------
SBAK ___ 16480.2 __ MLh 4.4 --------
VARE ___ 463.1 __ MLh 3.2 --------
LKBD2 ___ 841.4 __ MLh 3.4 --------
MATTE ___ 2646.7 __ MLh 3.6 --------
FELD ___ 8048.4 __ MLh 3.9 --------
MMK ___ 498.7 __ MLh 3.2 --------
FIESA ___ 626.7 __ MLh 3.1 --------
ROTHE ___ 8062.8 __ MLh 4.0 --------
LADOL ___ 352.4 __ MLh 3.3 --------
MTIA1 ___ 1604.7 __ MLh 3.5 --------

QuakeML format

Ground motion estimates (ShakeMap raw data)

PGV (m/s), ESRI shp format
EMS-98 intensity, ESRI shp format
PGA (m/s2), ESRI shp format
Earthquake announcements

Meldung / Announcement / Annuncio / Annonce Nr: 2
für dieses Ereignis / concernant cet événement / per questo evento / for this event

ERDBEBENMELDUNG des Schweizerischen Erdbebendienstes an der ETH

Der Schweizerische Erdbebendienst an der ETH Zürich hat in Deutschland,
ungefähr 10 km nordwestlich von Konstanz ein Erdbeben registriert.
Das Beben ereignete sich am 29. August 2019 um 16:22:49 Uhr (Lokalzeit)
mit einer Magnitude von etwa 3.5 auf der Richterskala. Dieses
Erdbeben dürfte weiträumig verspürt worden sein. Schäden sind
bei einem Erdbeben dieser Stärke in der Regel nicht zu erwarten.

Auf www.seismo.ethz.ch finden Sie weitere Informationen sowie
die Möglichkeit, Beobachtungen zum Beben zu melden.

Diese Angaben wurden von einem Seismologen / einer Seismologin

Annonce de TREMBLEMENT DE TERRE du Service Sismologique Suisse
à l'ETH de Zurich

Le Service Sismologique Suisse à l'ETH de Zurich a enregistré
un tremblement de terre en Allemagne, à environ 10 km au nord-ouest
de Constance. La secousse a eu lieu le 29 août 2019 à 16:22:49
(heure locale) avec une magnitude d'environ 3.5 sur l'échelle
de Richter. Ce tremblement de terre a pu être ressenti sur une
zone étendue. En règle générale, on ne s’attend pas à des dégâts
pour un tremblement de terre de cette magnitude.

Pour de plus amples informations, visitez le site www.seismo.ethz.ch,
on peut également y faire part de ses propres observations concernant
le tremblement de terre.

Ces données ont été vérifiées par un sismologue.

Annuncio di TERREMOTO del Servizio Sismico Svizzero con sede all'ETH
di Zurigo

Il Servizio Sismico Svizzero con sede all'ETH di Zurigo ha registrato
un terremoto in Germania, approssimativamente a 10 km a nord-ovest
di Costanza. Il terremoto è avvenuto il 29 agosto 2019 alle ore
16:22:49 (ora locale) ed aveva una magnitudo di circa 3.5 sulla
scala Richter. Probabilmente questo terremoto è stato percepito
anche al di fuori della zona dell'epicentro. Normalmente da un
terremoto di questa magnitudo non si attendono danni.

Ulteriori informazioni si trovano sul sito www.seismo.ethz.ch,
dove potete anche comunicare le vostre osservazioni su questo

Queste informazioni sono state verificate da un sismologo.

EARTHQUAKE announcement from the Swiss Seismological Service at
the ETH Zurich

The Swiss Seismological Service at the ETH Zurich has detected
an earthquake in Germany, approx. 10 km north west of Konstanz.
The earthquake occurred on 29 August 2019 at 16:22:49 (local time)
with a magnitude of about 3.5 on the Richter scale. This earthquake
is likely to have been felt in a wide area around the epicenter.
Damage is usually not expected from an earthquake of this magnitude.

For further information visit www.seismo.ethz.ch, where it is
also possible to submit felt reports for this earthquake.

This information has been verified by a seismologist.


Meldung / Announcement / Annuncio / Annonce Nr: 1
für dieses Ereignis / concernant cet événement / per questo evento / for this event

ERDBEBENMELDUNG des Schweizerischen Erdbebendienstes an der ETH

Der Schweizerische Erdbebendienst an der ETH Zürich hat in Deutschland,
ungefähr 10 km nordwestlich von Konstanz ein Erdbeben registriert.
Das Beben ereignete sich am 29. August 2019 um 16:22:49 Uhr (Lokalzeit)
mit einer Magnitude von etwa 3.5 auf der Richterskala. Dieses
Erdbeben dürfte weiträumig verspürt worden sein. Schäden sind
bei einem Erdbeben dieser Stärke in der Regel nicht zu erwarten.

Auf www.seismo.ethz.ch finden Sie weitere Informationen sowie
die Möglichkeit, Beobachtungen zum Beben zu melden.

Achtung: Diese Angaben wurden automatisch berechnet und noch nicht
von einem Seismologen / einer Seismologin überprüft.

Annonce de TREMBLEMENT DE TERRE du Service Sismologique Suisse
à l'ETH de Zurich

Le Service Sismologique Suisse à l'ETH de Zurich a enregistré
un tremblement de terre en Allemagne, à environ 10 km au nord-ouest
de Constance. La secousse a eu lieu le 29 août 2019 à 16:22:49
(heure locale) avec une magnitude d'environ 3.5 sur l'échelle
de Richter. Ce tremblement de terre a pu être ressenti sur une
zone étendue. En règle générale, on ne s’attend pas à des dégâts
pour un tremblement de terre de cette magnitude.

Pour de plus amples informations, visitez le site www.seismo.ethz.ch,
on peut également y faire part de ses propres observations concernant
le tremblement de terre.

Attention: Ces données ont été calculées de manière automatique
et n'ont pas encore été vérifiées par un sismologue.

Annuncio di TERREMOTO del Servizio Sismico Svizzero con sede all'ETH
di Zurigo

Il Servizio Sismico Svizzero con sede all'ETH di Zurigo ha registrato
un terremoto in Germania, approssimativamente a 10 km a nord-ovest
di Costanza. Il terremoto è avvenuto il 29 agosto 2019 alle ore
16:22:49 (ora locale) ed aveva una magnitudo di circa 3.5 sulla
scala Richter. Probabilmente questo terremoto è stato percepito
anche al di fuori della zona dell'epicentro. Normalmente da un
terremoto di questa magnitudo non si attendono danni.

Ulteriori informazioni si trovano sul sito www.seismo.ethz.ch,
dove potete anche comunicare le vostre osservazioni su questo

Attenzione: Queste informazioni sono state calcolate automaticamente
e non sono state ancora verificate da un sismologo.

EARTHQUAKE announcement from the Swiss Seismological Service at
the ETH Zurich

The Swiss Seismological Service at the ETH Zurich has detected
an earthquake in Germany, approx. 10 km north west of Konstanz.
The earthquake occurred on 29 August 2019 at 16:22:49 (local time)
with a magnitude of about 3.5 on the Richter scale. This earthquake
is likely to have been felt in a wide area around the epicenter.
Damage is usually not expected from an earthquake of this magnitude.

For further information visit www.seismo.ethz.ch, where it is
also possible to submit felt reports for this earthquake.

Warning: This information has been created automatically and has
not been verified by a seismologist.

This Event in Swisstopo Viewer:
External link, opens in new tab